Floyd’s Bath Bar

Hey there! I’m Floyd. I was born on an Amish dog breeding farm. I watched my brothers and sisters get adopted quickly which left me alone in a dry, dusty barn for first six months. Getting adopted was terrifying! I’d never been exposed to electricity, car rides, indoor life or a bath with anything other than a cold garden hose. But Mama loves me so much! She was so patient and loving. She created my bath bar to help restore my soft, fluffy coat and heal my dry irritated skin while also keeping the buggaboos away. It works so well that Mama never bathes me with anything else!

Floyd tested and approved – “My Mama’s deliciously creamy soap features a blend of five all natural essential oils that help keep bugs away from me (and it will work for your pups too) withour harse chemicals that irriate. These essential oils are combined with a moisturizing base of goat milk, shea butter and oatmeal that relieves dry, itchy skin – providing mewith flea and tick control while the massageing action of our shampoo barpamapers me. I smell clean and feel great!”

Ingredients Matter

Goat Milk: Contains a high amount of fatty acids which locks the moisture into the skin, thereby, naturally hydrating your dog’s skin. The all-natural ingredient dog shampoo helps get rid of dry skin, moisturise the skin, and encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells. Many dogs suffer from Seborrhea (a skin disorder) causing oil build-up on your dog’s skin, resulting in dry skin. Goat milk shampoo can naturally wash away the build-up and gently nourish your dog’s skin.

Shea Butter:

Oatmeal: Nurishes the coat, cleans and softens while also soothing drk skin, and it promotes shine.

Essential Oils: Many veterinarians trained in herb and essential oil therapy understand and use sprays containing certain natual essential oils to repel fleas, ticks and other insects. Inspector Floyd’s bath bar contains lavender, cedarwood, rosemary and other PET SAFE essential oils. Our special blend not only repels fleas and ticks it also deters mosquitos and lice.

Natural Oils: coconut oil and aloe

Benefits of Floyd’s Shampoo Bar

  • Repels fleas, ticks and mosquitos
  • All natural ingredients
  • Moisturizing / soothes dry skin
  • massaging bar shape pups love
  • foaming & easy rinsing

Order Form:

  • To place your order simply complete the order form below.
  • You will receive an email invoice with a link to pay securely online.
  • If you would prefer to place your order and pay by phone, let us know in the message box.
  • We ship in the USA only at this time.
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